GAFA | No Farmers, No Food, No Future…..

What is GAFA's Mission?
GAFA’s mission is to improve the quality of life for all people by improving and developing global capacities to respond to new challenges and opportunities in helping to eliminate poverty, improve food security, and conserve and protect the environment, in order to stimulate broad-based economic growth and sustainable development.

What are Objectives of GAFA?
Consistent with its mission and responsive to heightened global challenges and opportunities, GAFA seeks to mobilize the collective capacities of members and like professionals for three purposes related to the resources committed to international agriculture and rural development.

What is the long-term Vision?
The long-term vision is to explore and advance the synergistic relationships between agriculture, rural development, and sustainable economic development; management of the environment, agricultural development, and poverty; the key themes are- alleviating poverty, improving nutrition, and help reduce hunger in order to promote a more sustainable global society.

Your Questions answered

The Global Alliance for Food and Agriculture is a voluntary alliance of partners, dedicated to addressing the challenges facing food security and agriculture by tapping the wealth and diversity of resources, knowledge, information and expertise, from and between its members, in order to stimulate concrete initiatives at all levels.
The Alliance is open to individual membership from all sectors, including governments, inter-governmental organizations, farmer organizations, NGOs, civil society groups, research institutes and, private sector, whose objectives and activities are consistent with the vision and mission of GAFA, and who fulfill the criteria for membership.
Individuals interested in joining GAFA, should complete the on-line registration form. This will be processed and once your application has been approved you will be contacted by the GAFA Facilitation Unit Team, welcoming you to the alliance. You will be then required to send back a signed letter confirming your intent to be a member of the GAFA alliance.
Members are expected to participate in collaborative activities with other members, create synergy with organisations working in the fields of agriculture, food and allied sciences. Members are also welcome to share information, knowledge, expertise and experiences through various channels. This could include providing information on success stories, case studies, good practices, and/or lessons learned to the GAFA database/s; and participating in discussions and conferences. Members can also play an active advocacy role for sustainable agriculture related issues within their countries and sphere of influence.
GAFA does not substitute action and commitments by governments towards achieving sustainable agriculture development. GAFA is meant to add value and to enhance the efforts of governments by establishing closer and more effective links between governments with other NGO and civil society groups working toward similar objectives.
GAFA is supported by a Program Implementation & Facilitation Unit, hosted by the Program Secretariat financed through contributions made by donors. The Program Facilitation & Implementation Unit provides support to GAFA members to undertake their implementation activities as well and providing key services such as communication, information and knowledge management and exchange processes.

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